Monday, February 18, 2008

Futuring Assignment

School Train/Hannah-Fox Becomes a Better Person
If I was to grade “School Train” and Hannah-Fox Becomes a Better Person, I would look first at the objective of the assignment and whether or not they had been met. Do the students from the 4th grade language arts class understand what a metaphor is? I would say yes because they used several examples. Train-School, Engineer-Principal, Testing-Pull hard, Dining Car-Cafeteria, Students-Passengers, Tickets-Homework. After that I would rate the projects visual and auditory content. Were Hannah’s illustrations clear and understandable, and did they help the overall presentation? I would say yes. Did she speak clearly and confidently? Yes.
A rubric for the assignments might look like this:
Objectives met? Y N (specific objectives could be listed)
Visual Presentation: 1 2 3 4 5
Auditory Presentation: 1 2 3 4 5

What impacts could the developments in Epic 2015 have on my classroom?
Maybe I am not being creative enough, but I can’t see how this would change Physical Education that much. I do however see a great potential for it to change the traditional educational process drastically. I am picturing a universal education system for the whole country that is also extremely individualized. Students would be given a test to determine their strengths and weaknesses in each subject area, as well as their interests. From there they would be placed in a pod cast group for each subject with others at the same level. Lessons, assignments… could be universally sent over a pod cast to all the students in a group. Assignments could be turned in via pod cast as well. Students would still attend class to get assistance from teachers on their pod cast assignments and for social reasons. With this type of system each student would have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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