Saturday, March 15, 2008

Article Assesment #2

Nick Leiser E-mail: 3-15-08
Article Title: The Educator’s Guide to the Read/Write Web
Author: Will Richardson
Article Overview:
“The Educator’s Guide to the Read/Write Web” talks about the internet not just as a place to gather information, but also as a forum where users can publish, broadcast, and discuss their own ideas. Richardson talks about some of the different ways to use the internet as a tool for thought and discussion. He also discusses the impact of this on teaching and education.
Reference Points:
1. Weblogs or blogs are used to post personal or group web sites. They allow you to update them by posting new information. Visitors can post comments on your blog making it interactive. Teachers can use blogs as tools to promote critical thinking, reading and writing.
2. Wikis are websites that anyone can edit at any time. They can be constantly updated or clarified with new current information. These can be used by students to gain access to current information on a subject. Wikis can also can be set up by students or teachers for class projects.
3. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feeds allow you to subscribe to different blogs or subject specific information. Anytime there is an update an aggregator copies and saves it. You can also use websites like to access other people’s RSS feeds. RSS feeds allow you to read current information and comments on a specific subject.
4. Podcasts video or audio broadcasts that are posted on the web. They can be viewed at any time rather than just at the time of broadcast. This can be used be educators to view and show educationally enhancing broadcasts.
5. With such an overwhelming amount of information on the web it is really important that we teach students how to sift through and judge information on its credibility rather than just accept it as fact.
6. With so many people publishing blogs and making pod casts, students have access to experts that may have more knowledge in a specific content area than their teacher. The role of teachers may need to shift from content expert to guide.

The internet can be used as a forum where you can discuss and collaborate on new ideas and information. Blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and pod casts can be used to greatly enhance education. Teachers need to recognize the great potential this technology has as an educational tool. They need to adapt and help guide their students so they can take advantage of the resources available to them.

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